Monday Morning Music: The Next Storm

I’ve always enjoyed the rain. While others get depressed by storm clouds in the sky I tend to find them soothing.

In fact, I think it’s kind of funny when people freak out about a little precipitation. I know some people who won’t leave the house or drive their car if they see a rain drop.

And to be fair these people are probably more sane and just living more safely than I am, so I can’t really fault them.

It’s just that I don’t think hiding from bad weather is any way to live your life. So if you’re staring into storm clouds this week, maybe you could use a little Monday Morning Music to motivate you to step outside: 

Continue reading

How To Win By Losing

In any competition, there can only be one winner.

In many competitions, there is no question who the winner will be.

So if you stand no chance of winning, why bother competing?

Because if you’re anything like disabled dachshund Anderson Pooper, sometimes running the race is victory in itself.

(Click Here if you can’t see the video above)

Sometimes running the race is not simply about winning.

Sometimes God even uses the slowest people on the track to inspire others.

You may not be the winner at parenting, exercising, selling, blogging or anything else you compete at today.

You may feel like a dachshund in a wheelchair who stands no chance at defeating the other dogs in the race.

It’s ok. You’re not always meant to be the champion.

Sometimes victory comes from losing a race which you never thought you’d enter in the first place. 

Disregard your disabilities. Ignore the other dogs on the track. Keep on running the race today.

Happy Friday.

(Credit to Deadspin for the fantastic video.)

POP GOD POPcast: Episode 17 – David Zach

slide.001Welcome to Episode 17 of the POP GOD POPcast – an exploration of into the lives of people seeking God in the present tense.

This week’s guest is David Zach. David is the lead singer and founding member of the band Remedy Drive. Remedy Drive has been recording powerful, inspirational music for over 15 years including hits like “Daylight” and “Better Than Life”. We talk about the formation of the band and David’s early inspiration from 90s rock and jam bands – including how Dave Matthews Band inspired the band’s name. David also opens up about the difficulties of starting a music career and how the experience broke him and transformed him. David also shares the band’s connection with The Exodus Road and how you can get involved in the fight against child slavery. Enjoy this deeper look inside the life of a musician truly seeking God in the present tense.

Listen to the podcast here:

Or Download on iTunes Or Listen on Podbean

Check out Remedy Drive’s site for tour information and pick up Resuscitate on iTunes

Find out about how you can get involved with the fight against childhood slavery with The Exodus Road

Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, rate it, leave a comment, listen to all the other episodes, share it on Twitter and Facebook and anywhere else. I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.

I love sharing stories of people seeking God in the present tense. Let me hear your feedback. Leave me a comment and let me know how to improve things, what you’d like to hear discussed, and give me your ideas as to who you’d like to see on the next episode of the POPcast.




How To Beat Writer’s Block With Organic Tea

I could not write yesterday.

I woke up early with the intent of using the extra hour of from Daylight Savings to pump out a world-changing, life-affirming blog post for today.

When I sat down to type nothing came out.

Gibberish. Half-sentences. Cliches. Garbage.

I stood up. Ate some yogurt. Read the Bible. Walked the dog. Took a shower. All in the hope that words would come to me.

Still nothing.

I left for church disappointed and defeated by my sole morning task.

Then, as I sat in the service, I saw it. Continue reading

Surf Like A Dog

(Click Here if you can’t see the video above.)

It’s Friday.

The summer is almost over.

Why don’t you go for an adventure today?

Try something the world says you shouldn’t be able to do.

Swim outside of your boundaries.

Have fun beyond your species.

Do something wild just to make your heart smile.  You never know who might be watching. You never know who you’ll inspire just with your sense of adventure.

Surf like a dog.

Happy Friday.

Monday Morning Music – Silent Sunlight

(Click Here if you can’t see the video above.)

Mondays are daunting.

The drive back to the office is dreadful.

The work we’ve been avoiding all weekend has piled up.

Sometimes you need the Monday Morning Music to get you going.

Last week I stumbled across a record for 20 cents at Salvation Army – “Catch Bull At Four” by Cat Stevens. On it was the perfect Monday Morning Music – a song called “Silent Sunlight”.

Today is my first day away from my full-time job in almost five years. Yet this song reminded me the work has only just begun.

You may be out of a job as well this morning. Or you may be stepping into a job you’re not in love with. Or you may be stepping into a project you’ve been putting off.

Whatever Monday you’re stepping into, simply sing a song of love and truth into everything you do. Be strong. Be courageous. Do the work. Rest your eyes. Wake up. Do it again.

Keep pushing through, having faith in what the Lord is bringing you into with each new sunlight.

photo-6I’d love to know – what are you facing down this Monday? How can we support each other as we do the work of a new week?

You Can Be Awesome TODAY

Justin Timberlake is lazy. Here’s how you can tell:

How many Beatles songs can you name in ten seconds? (Go with me on this.)

Probably more than you can count on two hands. Can you believe the Fab Four recorded all those songs and countless other ones you know by heart in a span of about 7 years? A dozen of the greatest rock ‘n’ roll albums of all time, all created within just 7 years.

To contrast, Justin Timberlake – singer, producer, actor, all around king of the world – is releasing his eagerly-anticipated third album in March. He released his first solo effort back in 2002.

Just to clarify, that’s 3 Justin Timberlake albums in 11 years, as compared to 12 Beatles albums in 7 years.

What is wrong with that ratio? Continue reading