What Would Jesus Watch – 9: The Passion Live

Welcome to “What Would Jesus Watch?”, our podcast series overanalyzing the overlooked genre of Christian Cinema.

passion liveThis week Kate and Alex return for an emergency podcast covering the glorious ridiculousness of Tyler Perry, Trisha Yearwood and Chris Daughtry performing “The Passion Live!”

Yes Fox just broadcast a “live” modern musical retelling of the last days of Jesus’ life using the music of Train, Jason Mraz and Hoobastank so we had to cover it in painstaking detail. We name our favorite and least favorite performers and musical moments, talk about the uncomfortable acting and argue over whether or not Jesus would be a modern day “bro”. We also cover whether or not the true message of Easter was proclaimed and share some Prayer Requests for who we’d like to see in next year’s version of “The Passion Live”.

If you didn’t catch “The Passion Live” you’ll still be able to enjoy the podcast. But if you’d like to prepare you can watch the full musical on Fox.com or search On Demand and other streaming providers.

Follow along on Twitter and on Facebook to see what movie we’ll be watching next or to offer us your suggestions or comments!

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Why Homer Simpson Has To Die

Homer-Simpson-Images-540x405Homer Simpson has to die. 

You may think this is a crazy thing to say. After all, The Simpsons have been in a bit of a renaissance of late.

First there was the “Every Simpsons Ever” marathon on FXX, which shattered ratings records for the struggling cable network. Then the cast celebrated 25 years on the air with a live performance of classic musical moments from the show at The Hollywood Bowl.

Just last night featured the highly anticipated Simpson family crossover on an episode of “Family Guy”, which, aside from a bizarre and laugh-less fight scene between Homer and Peter Griffin. was surprisingly clever and funny.

Plus there was the actual season premiere of “The Simpsons” which garnered a good amount of mainstream buzz for promising to kill off a major character.

Of course, despite a few teases, Homer Simpson didn’t die on either episode. And I’m not saying I want to live in a world where “The Simpsons” actually kills off their patriarch.

I just think to truly be appreciated that “The Simpsons” must die.  Continue reading

Monday Morning Music: Roll Away Your Stone

Whether you’re a rock star, a pro wrestler, or just an everyday joe, the way you make your entrance is of the utmost importance.

You can tell a lot from someone’s entrance. Are they loud? Quiet? Strong? Weak? Confident? Defeated?

Every Monday morning, you decide how you will make your entrance into the week. Maybe you need a little entrance music to motivate you:


(Click Here if you can’t see the video above)

A new week can overcome you before it even begins. Your mind may weigh heavy with the consequences of all your past failures from the previous week. Your body may still be reeling from losing an hour of sleep this weekend.

The great thing about Monday is you have the choice to see things in a new way. Today can be a fresh start. You can leave the old you behind on Monday and start seeing things differently. Continue reading

Why Sequels Suck

terminator-2-1991-28-gTerminator 2: Judgment Day is the best sequel of all time.

You may argue otherwise. But you would be wrong.

The first Terminator movie is a decent 80s action flick. It’s more focused on Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese, and their struggle to protect her unborn (and unconceived) son than it is the Terminator trying to kill her, played in an almost comically wooden fashion by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In fact, the famous “I’ll be back” line from the film is just a throwaway line the Terminator offers as he assesses how to break down a doorway to get to Sarah Connor. (Also, dig that rad 80s synthesizer score!) Continue reading

Why I Love Fake Things

I learned the truth when I was about 6-years-old.

I was watching a video in the bedroom while my parents had friends over. My father came in and he just couldn’t take it anymore.

He had to tell me the truth – the truth about wrestling.

20110907_past_ss_1990_r“You know it’s fake, right? It’s all planned out and scripted,” he told me about the hulking superstars I had recently become obsessed with.

Funny, though. The revelation didn’t bother me. Even at a young age, I simply shrugged and went back to watching Randy Savage drop elbows. Continue reading

Han Solo, Ron Burgundy, and The Insufficient Resurrection

Hollywood is obsessed with the resurrection right now. And I don’t mean a sequel to “The Passion Of The Christ”.

I’m talking about the resurrection of past successes. Take a look at just a few of the movies and tv shows getting ready to relaunch after years of dormancy:

Star Wars Episodes 7/8/9. Anchorman 2. A Dumb and Dumber Sequel. The Boy Meets World continuation Girl Meets World. The Veronica Mars movie. A new season of 24. Another new season of Arrested Development. Seriously – that’s just a sampling of the classics Hollywood is resurrecting.

You’d think I might be uncontrollably excited about a few of these. Anchorman is probably the funniest movie of the past decade. Dumb and Dumber is my favorite comedy of all time. But I’m pretty much dreading these sequels. Continue reading

Everything Is Amazing And Nobody Is Happy

(Click Here if you can’t see the video above.)

Where has the joy gone in our lives? We live in a most incredible time, and yet we find ourselves complaining and worked up over the most menial problems.

The technology we have in this time is beyond incredible. Yet, as Louis C.K. perfectly puts it, if our phones take a minute while going to space we become ungrateful brats. The miracle of flying through the air has become an incredible burden.DSC_0068

Think about this: if all the “things” in your life were taken away, all of your possessions, everything you have, even all the people you love, would you be able to be joyful? Would you still be grateful?

God has called us to be joyful always. But how? How can we exhibit joy in all situations? Continue reading

So I Thought I Could Dance…

There I was, just an ordinary kid, on the precipice of the most important night of my life: the fifth-grade dance. If I had learned anything from watching hours of “Saved By The Bell” every morning before school, it was that true love is born at school dances.



Desperately desiring a girlfriend, I knew I needed to enhance my appearance for this night. This was my first school dance. It had to be perfect.

I picked out a snazzy shirt from my closet. I doused myself in drug-store cologne. I slicked my hair back and sprayed it down until it was brittle.

I looked good.

My best friend and I gave each other pep talks in the car on the way to the dance. I arrived with confidence, ready to find true love and dance the night away.

Instead, I spent the night stuffing my face with cookies and candy bars, standing scared against the wall for two straight hours. Continue reading

Bring On Your Wrecking Ball

btrNext week Bruce Springsteen will kick off the second leg of a world tour he began a year ago in Atlanta, GA. I was lucky enough to have tickets to that monumental occasion. Part of why I enjoyed it so much is because I never expected it to happen.

When I first saw The Boss in concert in 2009, I savored the opportunity because I thought it could be my last.

Bruce is only 63 years young. But once an artist crosses into senior citizen territory, you can never be too sure of when their last hoorah is going to be. Everything has to come to an end at some point. Continue reading