There Are No Rules

Hulk Hogan is 61 Years Old.

Seems like just yesterday “The Immortal” was threatening to body slam Andre The Giant through the center of the earth and carry Donald Trump to safety (seriously, this interview is amazing):

In sports (and even in sports entertainment) years Hulk Hogan is way past his prime. He hasn’t wrestled a match in 3 years. He’s had multiple back and knee surgeries. He really should never compete athletically again.

Yet The Hulkster can’t keep himself away from the ring.


Even in his AARP years Hogan still wants to fight. It seems in every interview these days he’s talking about the possibility of one more match. Continue reading

The Difference Between Ultimate And Ordinary

warrior_hof.0_cinema_1050.0The Ultimate Warrior is finally going into the WWE Hall Of Fame this year.

The Warrior is a bit of a controversial candidate for induction. He certainly was not an outstanding in-ring performer.

But there’s a reason why The Ultimate Warrior is remembered so fondly by a certain generation of wrestling fans.

The Ultimate Warrior dared to be different. 

While other wrestlers wore plain tights and boring boots to the ring, The Ultimate Warrior wore wacky tassels and neon colors and flashy face paint.

While other wrestlers walked slowly to the ring, The Ultimate Warrior rushed down the ramp like a wild animal unleashed.

While other wrestlers delivered promos like this: Continue reading

The One Lesson Anyone Can Learn From Wrestling

P2- Hulk Hogan llega al ring en WrestleMania IIIIf I could sum up everything I’ve ever learned from pro wrestling in one sentence it would be this:

The face beats the heel. 

In wrestling terminology there are two types of characters – faces and heels.

The face (short for babyface) is the good guy. Think Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, John Cena.

The heel is the villain. People like The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase, Ric Flair, and Mr. McMahon were great heels.

Wrestling at it’s core is the story of a good guy versus a bad guy. Almost every single wrestling match in history consists of a face versus a heel. And the face beets the heel.

The heel may get the upper hand. He may vanquish a few good-hearted men along a path of destruction. But in the end the heel always goes down.

This is the cycle of wrestling, a never-ending story where the characters change but the outline stays the same each week. Continue reading

How To Be The Man

(It’s WrestleWeek on POP GOD! In celebration of Wrestlemania XXX this Sunday we’ll be looking at the intersection of faith and wrestling. You don’t have to be a wrestling fan to hop in the ring on this journey. Read on and see how this fake sport provides rich lessons for anyone who’s grappling with God.)

There have been a lot of great talkers in the history of wrestling. It’s hard to pick out the best of all time.

You have to consider “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes:

Hulk Hogan and Randy “Macho Man” Savage must be near the top of the list:

But to be the man, you have to beat the man. And the man nobody could beat at promos was Ric Flair: Continue reading

Why I Love Fake Things

I learned the truth when I was about 6-years-old.

I was watching a video in the bedroom while my parents had friends over. My father came in and he just couldn’t take it anymore.

He had to tell me the truth – the truth about wrestling.

20110907_past_ss_1990_r“You know it’s fake, right? It’s all planned out and scripted,” he told me about the hulking superstars I had recently become obsessed with.

Funny, though. The revelation didn’t bother me. Even at a young age, I simply shrugged and went back to watching Randy Savage drop elbows. Continue reading

What’s Your Main Event?

Everything must end.

So many moments on WWE Raw this past Monday pointed toward finality.

Daniel Bryan and Kane calling off their partnership. CM Punk and Paul Heyman ending their business relationship. Alberto Del Rio abandoning the fans. Mark Henry nearly retiring (before going back to being the most awesome man on the planet).

Nothing lasts forever in wrestling. No title reign. No undefeated streak. No partnership. No physique. No popularity. Nothing.

All manner of factors contribute to the fluid nature of wrestling. Constantly shifting storylines. Expiring contracts. Flip-flopping fans. Injuries. And, all too often, death.

The heroes and Hulks of my youth no longer stand tall. There are no Stones or Rocks which won’t be tumbled by time. If you enjoy something in the world of wrestling, enjoy it while it lasts.

God is eternal. We are not. Continue reading

Outgrowing God

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve outgrown all this wrestling stuff.

That’s kind of how I felt last night watching Wrestlemania XXIX.  I spent all week blogging about my excitement for the event. I ordered a hundred chicken wings and invited all my friends to the house. I drank unhealthy amounts of Cheerwine out of the giant Hulk Hogan mug I found at a flea market a few months ago.

All the elements were there for an epic night. Then the show started. Continue reading

You’re Right To Fight

(It’s Wrestlemania week on POP GOD! Join us everyday this week as we count down to Wrestlemania XXIX this Sunday with new posts searching for God in the squared circle.)

hoganandreWhat if Hulk Hogan never fought Andre The Giant?

What if instead The Hulkster was just handed a championship?

What if instead of bodyslamming the behemoth, Hulk Hogan just traveled the world talking about what a great athlete he was?

If Hulk Hogan was just a great speaker and never engaged in any battles, he would not have been my hero growing up.

Unlike so many people in the real world (and so many of today’s WWE stars), Hulk Hogan didn’t just talk about being the best wrestler in the world. He went into battle every night in arenas across the country to back up the words he said.

Hulk Hogan faced down conflict when it came after him – even in the form of a giant. Continue reading