Why The Apple Watch Might Not Be Terrible

watch-dmI’ve been pretty steadily hate-reading test reviews of the Apple Watch. I don’t know why I’m so interested in reading about a product I think is so dumb.

Seriously – ever since Apple’s announcement back in the fall I’ve been shaking my head at this new digital wearable.

Maybe I’m being short-sighted. I just can’t see myself ever purchasing one. Of course I said the same thing about the iPhone when it debuted, and I finally came around to those in 2012.

There is however one feature of the Apple Watch I find intriguing. Apparently the watch has an innovative way of delivering alerts. They’re called Taptic Notifications.

The Apple Watch buzzes every few minutes, always reminding you of its presence and of your connection to your various networks.

The system consists of various customizable vibrations which alert you to the different types of notifications.

For example – an incoming call might be a consistent vibrating buzz, while an email might be 2 quick buzzes. Then there’s the fitness app which notifies you once an hour to stand up and be active and reminds you if you’re not hitting your daily activity goals.

The various reviewers call this feature revolutionary. They describe it as having a constant connection to the digital realm without having to be staring down at a screen 24/7. Some writers are calling it a solution to the problem of our generation’s smart phone addiction.

God knows I could use it. I’ll be the first to admit I have a problem. Anytime I have a spare second I pull my phone out of my pocket to scroll through social media and save me from any chance at boredom.

I think this notification feature could be really useful – especially if the new Bible app takes advantage of it.

Yes, there will be a Bible app for the Apple Watch, produced by the same people at YouVersion who make the incredible Bible app for iPhone and iPad that I use almost everyday.

It looks like this Bible App will take advantage of the same notification system other watch apps are using. If so, it could provide a way for users to connect to God the way He’s wanted us to for centuries.

In the book of Deuteronomy God tells His people to, “fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads” (Deut. 11:18).

God tells them to have His word attached to them at all times. He wants them to always be aware of His presence and His commands.

Maybe it would look silly for us to wear the scriptures on our wrists in this day in age. But when we live in a world where people obsess over having glorified pedometers on their wrists, where people want to be constantly connected to their texts and emails, maybe God’s command isn’t all that crazy after all.

So maybe one day long into the future once the dust of its debut has cleared I think I could get on board with the Apple Watch, if only to have a way to remind me minute by minute, hour by hour of God’s presence and His commands.

Look, I’ll come right out and say it: I think the Apple Watch will be Apple’s first major failure in a long time.  No one out there was clamoring for an improvement on the watch like people were for the phone or the tablet.

I just can’t see people latching onto to a smart watch long term. I don’t think we need yet another way to connect us to the world around us.

But a constant nudging of the spirit to be connected to the Bible instead of connected to our phones? That’s the smartest thing the Apple Watch could ever do.

What about you? What would it take for you to purchase an Apple Watch? What do you think of an app that keeps you constantly connected to the Bible?

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